Monday 18 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey.

Activity 2:The first settlers to come to New Zealand must have been really brave! They had to leave their original homes and sail thousands of miles across the ocean on a special boat called a ‘waka’ to reach New Zealand.

Imagine that you were on board one of the wakas. On your blog, write a short letter to a friend telling them about your voyage to New Zealand. In the letter be sure to tell them how you feel about moving to a new country. If it was me, I would have felt really nervous…

Answer: If I was moving from New Zealand to another country I would feel really nervous because, I wouldn't know what is in that country, or the danger's of the country. And leaving my home would feel uncomfortable because, I've been living in my house for 3 whole years. So the people in the wakas must real brave to leave their country.

Thanks for reading!

Blog Ya Later!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Washington,

    You have started the Summer Learning Journey off with a bang. I like how you shared that you would feel nervous because you don't know what to expect when arriving in New Zealand. Have you thought about what those dangers might be in New Zealand?

    As the activity asks you to write a letter to a friend, I would love to see you adopt the letter format to obtain full points for this activity. I will give you an example of something I might write.

    Dear sister,

    We have arrived in New Zealand!

    The journey over in the waka was terrifying as the weather was very stormy. I think we are lucky to be alive. I was very nervous the whole journey over to New Zealand but now that I have arrived I realised there was nothing to be scared about. I have met many friends since arriving and they all helped my family build our hut. The weather has been beautiful and the animals are so different. Last night I had a kiwi visit my hut which is a native bird that cannot fly.

    I miss and love you,

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with Washington.
    Megan :)


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